Nick’s Realty Trust has owned and operated quality residential single and multifamily rentals in Mansfield MA for generations. We're a family owned and operated business that has always strived to provide clean, safe, well maintained properties at a fair price that you would be proud to call home.
You will have your choice of neighborhoods and amenities based on the many units we have located throughout Mansfield. All of Nick’s Realty Trust properties include safe, off-street parking. Landscaping, when applicable, as well as prompt and thorough snow removal is included in rent. A full time, friendly and skilled maintenance staff keeps everything in order. Quick response to repairs is always a priority.
Housing is one of the biggest expenses in any budget; don’t settle for anything less than you deserve. Check out our current vacancies or give us a call at (508) 339-9556, and we can let you know about upcoming opportunities, or make an appointment to view an available unit. By bringing a completed application with you, we can expedite the process and get you into your new place in minimal time.
*Nick’s Realty Trust also offers several commercial properties in the Mansfield area, including storefronts, retail and office space. Give the professionals at Nick’s Realty Trust a call to learn more*